February 28 - March 1 - DSAIA Leadership Conference
Rosen Plaza Orlando, FL
Only registered Buddy Walks are able to attend the Buddy Walk® Conference. If you have questions feel free to contact Michelle Sagan msagan@ndss.org.
No registration refunds will be issues for either the Buddy Walk® or DSAIA Conference.
The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) is the leading human rights organization for all individuals with Down syndrome. Founded in 1979, our activities include shaping and advocating for improved public policy, increased public resources and services for people with Down syndrome; working in partnership with our affiliates and other support organizations; improving educational opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome; advancing basic, clinical and applied research; and implementing a national public awareness strategy.
The Buddy Walk® was established in 1995 by the National Down Syndrome Society to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness. Join other Buddy Walk® Organizers for the annual Buddy Walk® Conference.
Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action is a nonprofit trade association serving Down syndrome associations. DSAIA represents more than 1,000 leaders in the Down syndrome community representing over 80 organizations. Our members range from brand new start-ups to 40-year veteran organizations in the United States and abroad. Our mission is to help our members develop their organizational capacity.
And our annual leadership conference is the ONLY national conference designed just for Down syndrome nonprofit professionals and leaders - like you!
Wonder what all the fuss is about? Why do Down syndrome association leaders attend the DSAIA Conference year after year?
DSAIA has secured discounted hotel rates for the event at the Rosen Plaza.
Single or double occupancy rate: $149
Triple occupancy: $169
Quadruple occupancy: $189
(rates do not include taxes/fees)
You will receive booking instructions after registration is complete.
Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action
1335 34th St NE
Paris, TX 75462
(701) 354-7255